Tuesday 9 June 2015

My Animation

My Review of my Animation

What I liked about it?

What I liked about my animation was how it looked afterwards when I had actually finished the animation and when I started to edit it, as I thought I ha done well.

What I didn't like about it?

What I didn't like about it was that if I used my time wisely and efficiently I would've been able to produce something better.

What was easy?

The editing of the animation was very easy for me. As that sort of side to this industry is what I am into.

What wasn't easy?

What wasn't easy is that getting the right background for the animation and then with the camera, I kept knocking it so by then if I clicked the camera to take the shot it knocked the shot out of place, then I had trouble getting the camera back into place to take the next shot which was very time consuming.

What I would do to it if I were to do it again?

If I were to do this again, I wouldn't definitely do more research and plan out more carefully on what I want to do, as well as not let my emotions and relationships get in the way of my work as when my ex broke up with me, I got in such a state and bad way that all work stopped and I just couldn't cope. If all this didn't affect me I would've been able to produce better.